Use the drop-downs below to filter results based on last name, personnel group or research area. Click APPLY to view filtered results. Click RESET to view unfiltered results.

FTE Faculty

Lecturer and Director of Technical Communication
Associate Professor
(805) 705-4728
Associate Professor
Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Assistant Professor and Goizueta Early Career Faculty Chair
Professor, Hightower Chair in MSE
Goizueta Foundation Faculty Chair, Professor
Associate Professor
Regents' Professor and Hightower Chair in MSE
Associate Professor, MSE Faculty Fellow, & Dean’s Education Innovation Professor
Professor of the Practice
Carter N. Paden, Jr. Distinguished Chair, Associate Professor
Regents' Professor Emeritus
Associate Professor and MSE Faculty Fellow
Professor and Associate Chair for Academics & Research
Michael E. Tennenbaum Family Chair Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Energy Sustainability
Associate Professor and MSE Faculty Fellow, and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Program
Professor, School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Professor and MSE Faculty Fellow
Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies
Associate Professor
(404) 894-5167
Hightower Professor in MSE, and Executive Director Institute for Materials (IMat)
Regent’s Professor

Emeritus Faculty

Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering
Professor Emeritus
Associate Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus
Cell: 540-352-2461
Principal Research Engineer Emerita
Senior Academic Professional/Principal Research Scientist, Retired
Principal Research Scientist Emeritus
Professor, Hightower Chair in Biopolymers
Pettit Chair Professor
Regents' Professor and Hightower Chair Emeritus

Courtesy Appointments

Harris Saunders Jr. Chair and Professor, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor
Morris M. Bryan, Jr. Chair in Mechanical Engineering for Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Professor
Professor and Steve W. Chaddick Endowed Chair in Electro-Optics, and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar
Associate Professor
(404) 894-0430
Assistant Professor
(404) 894-4675
Rae S. and Frank H. Neely Professor
404 385 3446
Principal Research Engineer
Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Scholarship, College of Engineering
Principal Research Engineer
Director of MPCF and Professor
Principal Research Engineer
Associate Professor
Gwaltney Chair in Manufacturing Systems, Executive Director of the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute
Professor Mechanics of Materials

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Faculty Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor,
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Regents’ Professor
Adjunct Professor

Academic Professionals

Research Scientists/Post Docs

Principal Research Scientist & Electron Microscopy Coordinator
President's Postdoctoral Fellow, Secretary, MSE Association of Research Scientists and Postdoctoral Fellows
Principal Research Engineer
Research Scientist II
Director of Research, Carbon Fiber Research Center, Senior Research Scientist
Research Scientist II
Research Engineer II
Principal Research Scientist
Research Scientist II, MSE Research Scientists, Engineers, and Postdocs Association Secretary
Senior Research Scientist
Electronics Engineer


Academic Advising Manager
Assistant Director-Administrative Operations
Computer Systems Manager, Research Scientist II
Development Assistant for ChBE and MSE
Grants Administrator
Assistant Director – Financial Operations
Building Coordinator
IT Support Professional II
Financial Admin lll
Educational Outreach Manager I
Administrative Manager II
Director of Development I , Individuals and Foundations
Administrative Professional III
IT Support Professional Manager
Senior Facilities Manager
Academic Program Coordinator II
Financial Admin II
Faculty Support Coordinator
Director Office of Corporate Engagement
Event Coordinator I
Academic Advising Manager

Graduate Students

Advisor: Valeria Milam
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Summer 2018
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Preet Singh
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Josh Kacher
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Preet Singh
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Aaron Stebner
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Shannon Yee
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Jason Azoulay
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Gleb Yushin
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Michael Filler
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Eric Vogel
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Seung Soon Jang
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Meisha Shofner
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Satish Kumar
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Graduate Student
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Aaron Stebner
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Richard Neu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Gleb Yushin
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Younan Xia
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Seung Soon Jang
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2017
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Advisor: Marta Hatzell
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2022
Advisor: Seung Soon Jang
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Meisha Shofner
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Craig Forest
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Eraso Toro
Advisor: Jason Azoulay
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Jerry Qi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Advisor: Naresh Thadhani
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Valeria Milam
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Shu Jia
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Advisor: Todd Sulchek
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Summer 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2017
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: C. P. Wong
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Donggang Yao
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2023
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Jason Azoulay
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Gleb Yushin
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2017
Advisor: Aaron Stebner
Advisor: Naresh Thadhani
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Summer 2023
Sean Li
Advisor: Preet Singh
Advisor: Chaitanya Deo
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Advisor: Aaron Stebner
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: C. P. Wong
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: 2022
Advisor: C. P. Wong
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Youjiang Wang
Advisor: Karl Jacob
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Ben Wang
Advisor: Chuck Zhang
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Jud Ready
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Surya Kalidindi
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2015
Advisor: Young Jang (Biological Sciences) & Shu Takayama- BME
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2021
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Satish Kumar
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Eric Vogel
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Valeria Milam
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Mark Losego
Advisor: Muhannad Bakir
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Advisor: Hailong Chen
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Karl Jacob
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Carlos Silva
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Aaron Stebner
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Bavesh Rajaraman
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: John Reynolds
Advisor: Shannon Yee
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Meisha Shofner
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2022
Advisor: Meisha Shofner
Advisor: John Reynolds
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Spring 2021
Advisor: Gleb Yushin
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Suman Das
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Faisal Alamgir
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Josh Kacher
Advisor: Naresh Thadhani
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Will Gutekunst
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Azoulay
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Donggang Yao
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Spring 2024
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Rampi Ramprasad
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Advisor: Eric Vogel
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Karl Jacob
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Advisor: Josiah Hester
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Eric Vogel
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Graduate Student
Advisor: Naresh Thadhani
Degree Level: PhD
GSAG:Board Member
Matriculation: Fall 2017
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Ting Zhu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Meilin Liu
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Natalie Stingelin
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Advisor: Blair Brettmann
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Lauren Garten
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2018
Advisor: Satish Kumar
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2019
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: MS
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2023
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Summer 2020
Advisor: C. P. Wong
Degree Level: BS/MS
Matriculation: Fall 2022
Advisor: Young Jang- Biological Sciences & Ed Botchwey- BME
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2021
Advisor: Mark Losego
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: 2020
Degree Level: PhD
Matriculation: Fall 2022