Professor Stingelin is Chair of the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech (GT). As an Associate Editor of the Journal of Materials Chemistry C, she received a €1.2 Million ERC Starting Independent Researcher Award in 2011 (http://erc.europa.eu/) and is, among other things, a Co-I of the newly established EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Large Area Electronics (http://www-large-area-electronics.eng.cam.ac.uk/). She is leading the €4 Million EC Marie-Curie Training Network 'INFORM' that involves 11 European partners.
She was awarded the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining's Rosenhain Medal and Prize (2014) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) President's International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) Award for Visiting Scientists (2015) and will be Chair of the 2016 Gordon Conference on 'Electronic Processes in Organic Materials'.
Her current research interests encompass the broad field of organic functional materials, including organic electronics; multifunctional inorganic/organic hybrids; smart, advanced optical systems based on organic matter; and bioelectronics.
Noriega R, Rivnay J, Vandewal K, et al., 2013, A general relationship between disorder, aggregation and charge transport in conjugated polymers, Nature Materials, Vol:12, ISSN:1476-1122, Pages:1037-1043
Treat ND, Malik JAN, Reid O, et al., 2013, Microstructure formation in molecular and polymer semiconductors assisted by nucleation agents, Nature Materials, Vol:12, ISSN:1476-1122, Pages:628-633
Russo M, Rigby SEJ, Caseri W, et al., 2012, Versatile Chromism of Titanium Oxide Hydrate/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Hybrid Systems, Advanced Materials, Vol:24, ISSN:0935-9648, Pages:3015-3019
Jamieson FC, Domingo EB, McCarthy-Ward T, et al., 2012, Fullerene crystallisation as a key driver of charge separation in polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells, Chemical Science, Vol:3, ISSN:2041-6520, Pages:485-492
Mueller C, Ferenczi TAM, Campoy-Quiles M, et al., 2008, Binary organic photovoltaic blends: A simple rationale for optimum compositions, Advanced Materials, Vol:20, ISSN:0935-9648, Pages:3510-+
- Engineer in Materials Science in 1997 from the Eidgenönissische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich
- PhD in 2001 - Eidgenönissische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich
- Swiss Federal Instutute of Technology (ETH) Zurich Silver Medal; highest honour for PhD-thesis, 2001
- Post-doctoral Fellowship, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2001
- Post-doctoral Fellowship, Swiss Federal Office for Education and Science, 2002
- Senior FRIAS Fellow, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, 2010
- ERC Starting Independent Researcher Award, 2011
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), 2012
- Istitute of Materials, Minerals & Mining's Rosenhain Medal and Prize, 2014
- Chinese Academy of Science President’s International Fellowship, 2015
- Chinese Recruitment Program of Foreign Experts Award, Chinese State Administration Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA), 2015