Dr. Arun M. Gokhale is a Professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to joining the Georgia Tech faculty in 1989, Dr. Gokhale’s work history encompassed fifteen years of teaching, and industrial research and development experience. Dr. Gokhale holds a B.Tech (1970) and M.Tech (1972) in Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering (1977) from the University of Florida.
Dr. Gokhale’s research interests include quantitative fractography, damage evolution in composites, microstructural evolution during deformation and fracture, with primary focus on quantitative description of microstructure and its evolution during materials processes.
Dr. Gokhale has written 200 papers in reputed scientific journals and conference proceedings. He has given more than 100 invited lectures in the national and international conferences and seminars. He is a Fellow of ASM International. He served as Vice President of International Society for Stereology (1992-96). He has served on the editorial boards of several international journals.
- A. Gurumurthy , M. Gonzales , A.M. Gokhale, and N.N. Thadhani: "Bulk Orientational Anisotropy Without Spatial Anisotropy Due to Powder Compaction in AI-T i- B Compacts," Scripta Materialia, Vol. 86, PP 28-31, 2014.
- J. Zhou, A.M. Gokhale, A. Gurumurthy, and S.P. Bhat: Realistic RYE Based Simulations of Stress-Strain Behavior of a Dual-Phase Steel Having High Martensite Volume Fraction" Materials Science and Engineering-A, Vol. 630, PP 107- 115, 2015.
- J. Zhou, L. Q i, and A.M. Gokhale: “Generation of Three-Dimensional Microstructure Model for Discontinuously Reinforced Composite by Modified Random Sequential Adsorption Method"' Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology- Transactions of ASME, Vol. 38(2), Article 021001, 2016.
- Sukanya Shanna, Kishlay Mishra, Arun M. Gokhale, Naresh N. Thadhani, and Shrikant P. Bhat, "Effects of strain rate on the mechanical properties and fracture micro-mechanisms of Dual Phase 980 steel" Selected technical papers (STP) ASTM International Publication, Volume 1607, in press.
- B.Tech. Metallurgical Engineering, 1970, Indian Institute of Technology
- M.Tech. Metallurgical Engineering, 1972, Indian Institute of Technology
- Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, 1977, University of Florida
- quantitative fractography
- damage evolution in composites
- microstructural evolution during deformation and fracture, with primary focus on quantitative description of microstructure and its evolution during materials processes