Three MSE students have been chosen as 2023 MILL Summer Fellows. These Fellows will staff the MILL over the summer, allowing access and training to MSE Research Scholars and other researchers from across the campus. MILL Fellows will also develop tools and trainings to improve future MILL operations and safety protocols for all users. This summer, the MILL Fellows are being supported through 3M Corporation and the Novelis Innovation Hub at Georgia Tech. The 2023 MILL Fellows are:
Jenny Gerber, a rising third year MSE major and MILL processing staffer who loves to sew and make fun 3D prints, and even won a people’s choice award at the MILL’s fashion show this past Spring. Outside of the MILL, Jenny is involved with Greek life and research, and loves to explore Atlanta to find new things to do. Her favorite thing about the MILL is learning new equipment and being able to use the space for both fun, personal projects and for academic pursuits.
Blake Moore is a rising second year student in materials science and engineering. When not at the MILL, Blake can be found grinding out his schoolwork or on vacation in Florida. His hobbies include searching out popular places to eat and playing board games with friends. Blake enjoys being exposed to higher level MSE concepts by just talking to people in the MILL and using the MILL equipment.
Dhilan Nanji is a rising third-year MSE major. Outside of the MILL, Dhilan spends most of his time doing research in the Thadhani lab or spending time with friends and family. His hobbies include video games and playing violin and guitar. His favorite thing about the MILL is learning from other students doing interesting research and projects.
The MILL and its facilities for materials processing, characterization and measurement will be open to all summer researchers Monday through Friday from 9:00am – 5:00p.m., May 15 to August 11. Learn more at www.mill.mse.gatech.edu.
For more information on supporting the MILL and MSE students, please contact our MSE Development team. For individual and foundation development information, contact Lauren Kennedy, for corporate development information contact Donna Peyton.